# Bitcoin Payment Checker Bitcoin Payment Checker is a Go application that allows clients to pay for orders using Bitcoin. The application calculates the Bitcoin equivalent of the order amount, provides a wallet address for payment, and tracks the payment status. ## Application Structure The application is structured into several packages: - `handler`: Contains the HTTP handlers for the application. The `OrderHandler` is responsible for processing new orders and calculating the Bitcoin price. - `services`: Contains various services used by the application, such as the `Order` service for managing orders and the `PriceConversor` service for converting USD to Bitcoin. - `main`: The entry point of the application. It sets up the database connection, initializes the services, and starts the HTTP server. ## Key Files - `handler/order.go`: Contains the `OrderHandler` which processes new orders. It calculates the Bitcoin price of the order, stores the order in the database, and renders an HTML page with the order details. - `main.go`: The entry point of the application. It sets up the database connection, initializes the services, and starts the HTTP server. ## Running the Application To run the application, you need to have Go installed. Then, you can run the application using the `go run` command: ```bash go run main.go ``` This will start the application and listen for HTTP requests on the configured port. ## Environment Variables The application uses the following environment variables: ``` PAY_CHECKER_ENV: The environment the application is running in. If set to "dev", the application will load configuration from a .env file. DB_ADDRESS: The address of the MongoDB database. DB_NAME: The name of the MongoDB database. ORDERS_COLLECTION: The name of the MongoDB collection for orders. CONVERSOR_API: The API used for converting USD to Bitcoin. RPC_HOST, RPC_AUTH, RPC_ZMQ, WALLET_ADDRESS: Configuration for the Bitcoin service. MAIL_USER, MAIL_PASSWORD, MAIL_HOST, MAIL_PORT, MAIL_FROM, MAIL_TEMPLATES_DIR: Configuration for the mail service. ``` ## Dependencies The application uses several external packages: gofiber/fiber/v2: For building the HTTP server and handling requests. go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo: For connecting to and interacting with MongoDB. net/smtp: For sending emails.