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To run docker-compose --env-file ./.env up to init your container

To have make installed.

If you don't want to install make you can go to Makefile therefore copy the command then paste and execute in your terminal window.


You can watch my report to see benchmark results



To see results you only have to run

make run_etl

http server

To see results you only have to run

make run_etl


http comparision

Start your go http server

go run cmd/server/main.go

Start your nest server

cd ~/nest-project-path
npm start

Then run benchmark

make benchmark_server

other tests

To test different tests done on http server response you can do this way:

First start your http server

make run_server

Then play running different tests:

IMPORTANT Please do mantain your machine without extra running processes

make benchmark_go_1000req_15s

then try

make benchmark_go_1000req

Now try nest server, remember to first startup your nest

make benchmark_nest_1000req_15s
make benchmark_nest_1000req